Ways to Make Your Laptops Last Longer

Ways to Make Your Laptops Last Longer

When you purchase a laptop, it is an investment you are making. While making it last forever is a dream, there are ways to make it last longer without any hindrance. Your laptop is a one-time investment that you should be making the post of. While the newer trends may be about buying the newest gadget as soon as it’s out, there is something incredibly satisfying about maintaining an older laptop in its former glory and making it last for as long as you can before purchasing a new one. Keeping your laptop in top condition as it ages ensures that you’re getting the most value for your money.

Here are some simple tips that you can try out to improve the life span of your laptop.

1. Monitoring the System

Most often there is more than one application running that ends up occupying the RAM and causes your laptop to slow down. This can be easily resolved. If you use a Mac, all you have to do is search for Activity Monitor in Finder. This will allow you to figure out which application is using the most of your CPU. If using a Windows machine, then you need to go to Resource Monitor under Task Manager. Be certain to delete any application only if you are sure of what it does. Shutting down the wrong application may cause you to delete a vital part of your system. You can also reach out to a professional for support. My Laptop spares have a great customer service team that is ready to help you no matter the time or issue.

2. Cooling Down

It is extremely important to let your laptop cool down. In most cases, laptops tend to act up during the hot summer months due to humidity. Overheating causes a lot of damage to your laptop so it is essential to do things that will allow it to let go of the head. Elevating your laptop on a cooling pad is a great way to do so without freezing your device. You can also consider getting your laptop cleaned or replacing your laptop’s built-in fan.

3. Use an SSD card

To make the most of your older laptop, it is best to replace your hard drive with an SSD card. They are much faster and more durable than hard drives – making them very cost-efficient. Not to mention they also run much quieter. My Laptop Spares has a number of SSD cards that you can browse through to see which works best for you.

4. Virus Scans

There are several spyware that may cause your laptop to slow down, Running a virus scan is a great way to find out the real issue with your laptop when acting up. There are several anti-virus programs out there that you can choose from.

5. Replace your Battery

It is natural for your laptop’s battery life to deplete over time and become a fraction of what it used to be. It is a sign of wear and tear. There are many things you can do to extend your battery life, however, if it has already reached a point where it is only holding about 75% of its original charge, then it is time to look for a battery replacement. The cost usually depends on the brand and model of your laptop. You can visit My Laptop Spares to go through the many battery options available at your disposal. Beware of cheap batteries online. Your battery has a direct impact on the functioning of your laptop and it shouldn’t cause more harm than good. Make sure to read reviews or reach out to the seller to make sure you are making the right choice.

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